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Meet The Instructors
Jennifer Fox

FoxBot Industries is a one-woman army of STEAM-based projects, tutorials, and workshops lead by the inimitable Jennifer Fox. Jennifer's educational background is in Physics (B.S., Occidental College) and Mechanical Engineering (M.S., UCLA). Her work has been prominently featured at the Living Computers: Museum + Labs, SparkFun Electronics, and the Pacific Science Center among many others.
To learn more about Jennifer's projects, tutorials, and workshops, visit www.FoxBotIndustries.com or search for @jenfoxbot on Instagram, Twitter, and Instructables!
To learn more about Jennifer's projects, tutorials, and workshops, visit www.FoxBotIndustries.com or search for @jenfoxbot on Instagram, Twitter, and Instructables!
Sandy Gady, NBCT

I am in my 27th year of teaching, and currently teach Design and Engineering to 7th and 8th graders at Pacific Middle School in the Highline School District. I received my National Board Certification in EA Science in 2006 and renewed my certification. Nine years ago when I began designing and implementing the curriculum for the Design and Engineering, DE, program at Pacific, my goal was to build a legacy program where students could explore, create, build and discover something about themselves as a learner. In DE, students experience a variety of CTE/STEM opportunities, including participating in Future City, an international competition. We just completed our tenth year of competition, and represented Washington State at the National Future City Competition in Washington, DC, twice.
Two years ago I received a grant from the Highline Schools Foundation for a $10,000 Impact Grant, “When I grow up, I want to be …” This grant was written specifically to bring the “Maker Movement” to my district, initially to girls 5th through 8th grade. The girls spent several hours using wood, hand and power tools to build something that moved. Through the implementation of this grant and the help of a lot of really good friends, our build events were a success. Girls lost their fear of STEM/CTE classes and signed up in record numbers. Recently our girls participated in a five week partnership with the Museum of Flight STEM/ZERO Robotics Camp. The 24 girls wrote code to maneuver a SPHERE in the International Space Station, placing 2nd in the state.
Two years ago I received a grant from the Highline Schools Foundation for a $10,000 Impact Grant, “When I grow up, I want to be …” This grant was written specifically to bring the “Maker Movement” to my district, initially to girls 5th through 8th grade. The girls spent several hours using wood, hand and power tools to build something that moved. Through the implementation of this grant and the help of a lot of really good friends, our build events were a success. Girls lost their fear of STEM/CTE classes and signed up in record numbers. Recently our girls participated in a five week partnership with the Museum of Flight STEM/ZERO Robotics Camp. The 24 girls wrote code to maneuver a SPHERE in the International Space Station, placing 2nd in the state.
Caitlin McQuinn

Caitlin is currently the director of Raven's Call Press and a consultant with McQuinnable! Caitlin graduated from the University of Washington and is currently pursuing a Masters Of Education: Learning and Technology. She worked for Apple for 6 years, both as a Creative trainer and in tech support working behind the Genius Bar. She has worked or volunteered for many technology and maker events with NCCE and the Puget Sound ESD and was lucky enough to grow up in a tech and science savvy family (and yes there is a relation!).
Conn McQuinn

Conn McQuinn is a consultant who has spent forty years working in both informal and formal educational settings. He has had the privilege of working for two great institutions, starting his career at Pacific Science Center in Seattle for fifteen years, and then twenty-five years at Puget Sound Educational Service District in Renton. Over this time, he has consulted and taught workshops on a broad range of topics, including science education, educational technology, robotics, project-based learning, digital photography/video, personalized learning, makerspaces, and neuroscience in learning. He was worked with thousands of teachers and administrators from districts throughout Washington State and beyond. He is also the author of sixteen children's activity books, covering a range of seemingly random topics.
Jane Miller

Jane Miller, the current Director of Instructional Technology for Federal Way Public Schools and NCCE Professional Learning Specialist, is characterized by her colleagues as having a depth of knowledge and versatility that provides learning to occur and offers a variety of laughs! She has over 25 years in K-20 public education in various roles from teacher, director, to adjunct faculty for WSU. Currently, under her purview is Technology Integration, STEAM, PBL, Blended Learning, and Credit Recovery. When not advocating for equitable 21st learning environments, Jane enjoys refining her fly fishing skills and enjoying her e-reader while reclining in her camping chair.
Rob van Nood

Educational Technology Specialist at Catlin Gabel School
Lead Educational Designer at Tinker Camp
For the past 22 years I have been passionate about creating spaces and experiences where kids can explore and pursue their questions, interests and passions. I have been a classroom teacher in public, charter and independent schools and have worked with kids pre-school to 12th grade. Currently I am supporting teachers, administrators and students at Catlin Gabel School to integrate technology, making and tinkering into their learning experiences. I also run tinkering and making workshops for educators across the Portland and Vancouver metro areas as a co-founder and the Lead Educational Designer at Tinker Camp (www.tinkercamp.org).
Lead Educational Designer at Tinker Camp
For the past 22 years I have been passionate about creating spaces and experiences where kids can explore and pursue their questions, interests and passions. I have been a classroom teacher in public, charter and independent schools and have worked with kids pre-school to 12th grade. Currently I am supporting teachers, administrators and students at Catlin Gabel School to integrate technology, making and tinkering into their learning experiences. I also run tinkering and making workshops for educators across the Portland and Vancouver metro areas as a co-founder and the Lead Educational Designer at Tinker Camp (www.tinkercamp.org).